Building Hope For A Better Tomorrow

The mission of Bright Eyes Uganda is to care for the indigent and underserved populations of Uganda, specifically the children. Our goal is to improve the infrastructure of their rural villages and provide clean water, nutritional food, accessible health care and quality education. Bright Eyes Uganda’s ultimate goal is not to merely give a person a fish, but to teach that person how to fish so they may, in turn, teach someone else.

Bright Eyes Uganda has been operating in the East African country of Uganda since 2005. We are a private, nonprofit and nondenominational organization as well as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization recognized by the IRS. All members of Bright Eyes Uganda team are volunteers. There are no paid employees. Labor, supplies and funds used in our projects are acquired by private donation or through grants from private funders.

Your generosity makes an immense difference.


pays for a
hot school lunch
for 1 child
for a full week


pays for a
hot school lunch
for 1 child
for a full
school year


pays for a
hot lunch for the entire
750 students
for one day.

As the children like to sing to visitors to their village,

Welcome to the visitors,
we are happy to receive you